Ac Guard Premium Acne Repair Cream Acne Cream Back Acne Pimple Cream Krim Jerawat 祛痘霜 痘痘膏 脸部痘痘 背后痘痘
Product Description
Specially formulated to treat and cure acne problems and acne scars within a short period of time. It is 100% natural and effective as you could even skip beauty saloons or looking for dermatologist to get treatment.
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Ac Guard - The Best Acne Solution
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[ Ac-guard Premium Acne Repair ] Specially formulated to treat and cure acne problems and acne scars within a short period of time. It is 100% natural and effective as you could even skip beauty saloons or looking for dermatologist to get treatment. Ac-guard acne series uses all natural plant extractions which are different from other products in the market. It do NOT contain inflammatory properties, steroids, alcohol, SLS, SLES, preservative or any animal substances. All our products are certified by the KKM (Ministry of Health) with over 500 satisfied customers!!
[ Ac-guard Premium Acne Repair ] Benefits :
🍀Improve acne problems on all types of skin within 7 days
🍀Deep cleanse on skin pores with a 99% effective rate in killing bacteria and remove inflammatory properties.
🍀Repair the skin by getting rid of acne scars and enhance skin complexion
🍀 Reduce inflammatory properties in less than 24 hours.
🍀 Approved by KKM and certified by SGS, Halal, GMP & ISO
【Ac Guard 祛痘霜】 Ac guard祛痘系列采用的是全天然Natural的植物性成份,和外面市场上的护肤品不同, 重点是没有激素,0类固醇,无酒精,没有SLS,SLES,防腐剂以及动物成分! 我们有KKM的安全证书,还有超过500位顾客的5星好评推荐! Ac guard主打以温和不伤皮肤的方式调理青春痘和痘疤问题。 让讨厌吃药和不想浪费时间上美容院的你, 可以一次过在家自己搞定问题! 让你脸上恢复自信,再也不受痘痘的困扰啦~
🍀全马独家配方,针对顽固痘疤护肤霜 想要拥有平滑的脸,首先要确保送走旧的痘疤,也要避免新的痘痘生长 【Ac Guard】 是全马第一个同时具有杀菌、抗炎及消除顽固痘疤三重功能的护肤品,使用一小罐,效果如同上美容院洗脸一样效果
🍀深入洁净阻塞毛囊,99%杀菌消炎 痘痘之所以一直不能根除,因为普通洗面霜只是洗了脸上油脂,没有做到深层洁净的功效,所以痘痘问题不能完全解决 【Ac Guard】 可以参透深层角质层,清除造成痘痘复发的源头。轻轻 把【Ac Guard】涂在痘痘上,可以深入毛囊,彻底的清理毛囊里的细菌,就好像把阻塞了的洞洞彻底清除干净。
🍀 修复及淡化顽固痘疤黑斑,让肤色恢复均匀 青春痘在你脸上留下的不是青春,而是不同深浅的世界地图 轻轻涂上【Ac Guard】,就能消除陈年痘疤,淡化黑斑,让皮肤不需要涂粉底也可以肤色均匀
🍀 24小时内 舒缓发炎痘痘 出门前一天,突然发现脸上长了一颗刚萌芽得痘痘,随时准备爆发的样子 想按又还不熟,放着不管又会越长越大,用遮瑕膏涂还是遮不住... 【Ac Guard】轻轻一涂,可以抑制并消除刚发炎痘痘,不用担心出门让痘痘成为你们聊天话题