[ Single Origin ] HWC Kenya AA FAQ Coffee Bean

Product Description

HWC Kenya AA FAQ Coffee Bean is a single origin medium roast coffee bean made by 100% Arabica beans from Kenya.

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HWC Coffee

Palaterium Sdn Bhd

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Originating from the picturesque landscapes of Kenya, HWC Kenya AA FAQ coffee boasts a taste that is as vibrant as the country itself. With a meticulous Washed processing method and roasted to a delightful Medium level, this coffee promises to be a delightful journey for your taste buds.

As you take your first sip, prepare to be captivated by the invigorating essence of orange, infusing the coffee with a bright and citrusy note that awakens your senses.

Single Origin & 100% Arabica

Product | Kenya AA FAQ

Origin | Kenya

Roast Level | Medium

Process Method | Washed

Taste Note | Orange, Blackberry, Acidity