Chase Espresso Vodka 40% 700ml

Product Description

Chase Espresso Vodka 40% 700ml

  • Imported from England.

  • Created in Herefordshire, by Chase Distillery, home of Chase Vodka, Chase Espresso Vodka is a new, limited edition vodka. The base spirit is Chase English Potato Vodka, voted the World's Best Vodka at the prestigious San Francisco Spirits Competition.

  • The finest Ethiopian coffee beans, roasted locally to Chase, form the intensely rich base of Chase Espresso Vodka. Slowly distilled, they extract the full bodied flavour of the coffee and then cold brew, chill filter and carefully blend with the distillate to add an exquisite depth of complexity, finished with a touch of rich dark Muscovado sugar.

  • Recommended Serve: Serve chilled and sip on its own.

  • Alcohol content: 40%

  • 700ml

Age 21+ Non-Halal

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Chase Espresso Vodka 40% 700ml

  • Imported from England.
  • Created in Herefordshire, by Chase Distillery, home of Chase Vodka, Chase Espresso Vodka is a new, limited edition vodka. The base spirit is Chase English Potato Vodka, voted the World's Best Vodka at the prestigious San Francisco Spirits Competition.
  • The finest Ethiopian coffee beans, roasted locally to Chase, form the intensely rich base of Chase Espresso Vodka. Slowly distilled, they extract the full bodied flavour of the coffee and then cold brew, chill filter and carefully blend with the distillate to add an exquisite depth of complexity, finished with a touch of rich dark Muscovado sugar.
  • Recommended Serve: Serve chilled and sip on its own.
  • Alcohol content: 40%
  • 700ml