益寶多Chlorella Gold (300’s)

Product Description

  • Better, Improved Chlorella compared to Bio-Chlorella

  • Well-Balanced Nutrition for all ages

  • 100% Pure and Hygienic, Indoor Cultivated Chlorella from Japan

  • 升级版绿藻

  • 完美的绿色食品

  • 日本室内培植绿藻;纯净卫生

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More information

Wholesome benefits of Chlorella with higher Calcium content


~ Natural Alkaline Food, Well-Balanced Nutrition

~ Rich in Calcium - Essential nutrient for human body

~ Rich in Beta-carotene, Lutein, Protein, Chlorophyll, Fiber, Iron and others vitamins and minerals that essential for health

~ Contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)

~ Balances and regulates the body system


Importance of Calcium:

~ Calcium cannot be produced by the body and its therefore considered an essential nutrient that must be provided by the foods you eat

~ Calcium has long been recognized as important and required nutrients for bone health and maintenance.

~ Calcium is also needed for our heart, muscles and nerves to function properly and for blood to clot

~ Muscle aches, cramps and spasms are the earliest signs of a calcium deficiency.

~ Inadequate Calcium intake will affect the growth of teeth, hair and bones of children; for adults may associated with low bone mas and rapid bone loss, particularly in elderly.

Research has shown that

Sufficient intake of Calcium can reduce the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and diabetes in some populations.

*Beto. J. A. (2015). The Role of Calcium in Human Aging. Clinical Nutrition Research, 4(1): 1- 8.


202mg X 300’s



~ 均衡营养,天然碱性食品

 ~ 含有人体不可或缺的丰富钙质

 ~ 丰富的β-胡萝卜素,叶黄素, 蛋白质,叶绿素,纤维,及各种人体所需的维生素及矿物质

~ 含有绿藻生长因子(CGF ~ 改善体质,维持健




~ 钙质是人体健康的必须元素,需从食物中摄取,人体无法自制

~ 钙是维持骨骼健康的必须营养素

~ 钙也能够帮助心脏、肌肉和神经系统的正常运作和血液的凝结

~ 缺钙的最早迹象是肌肉酸痛和痉挛

~ 钙质摄取不足,小孩的头发、牙齿和骨骼发育足以受到影响;成人则可能会导致低骨量和快速骨质流失,尤其是老年人。



*Beto. J. A. (2015). The Role of Calcium in Human Aging. Clinical Nutrition Research, 4 (1): 1 – 8. 202mg X 300’s