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NESTLE OMEGA PLUS Acticol Dark Chocolate Softpack 550g, x2 packs [PRICE INCLUDE SHIPPING]

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NESTLE OMEGA PLUS Acticol Dark Chocolate Softpack 550g, x2 packs [PRICE INCLUDE SHIPPING]

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NESTLE OMEGA PLUS Acticol Dark Chocolate Softpack 550g, x2 packs [PRICE INCLUDE SHIPPING]


NESTLÉ® OMEGA PLUS® is a high calcium milk that contains ActiCol®, plant sterol scientifically proven to LOWER CHOLESTEROL by blocking the bad cholesterol (LDL) from entering the blood stream. Two glasses of NESTLÉ® OMEGA PLUS® milk a day also fulfill 100% of your daily calcium needs and contains the right balance of Omega 3 & 6.



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