Store Coverage


Hai-O Yang Sheng Chiew 1L (6 months plan)

Plan Description

Age 21+ Non-Halal

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Yang Sheng Chiew is brewed following the traditional method. It is composed of superior grain together with the famous herbal medicines produced at Huai Qing Fu of Henan Province, as well as other rare and costly medicals by more than 20 species, all well soaked and refined. So once you drink the wine, you would feel its nature soft, its taste proper, its sweet fragrance with long lasting perfume.

Yang Sheng Chiew enables the blood in good circulations, regulates the function of the whole body, pre-age weakness, pains in loin and vertebra, faint in kidney and spleen, etc. It can refresh your spirit, increase blood supply, reblacken your hair, restore high complexion so that you will be constantly healthy.





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