Store Coverage


2 SeedGard Mix Yogurt with Cranberry and Probiotics Culture Monthly Plan

Plan Description

6 probiotics + cranberry, prebiotics and bromelain

6种益生菌菌株 + 蔓越莓,益生元和菠萝蛋白酶

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Balance Life

Balance Life Sdn Bhd

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More Information

Benefits of SeedGard 
➡️ Maintenance of intestinal health
➡️ Restore a balance gut microflora
➡️ Reduce symptoms associated with gastrointestinal and urinary disorders
➡️ Reduce harmful bacteria in the intestines
➡️ Reduce intestinal inflammation
➡️ Boosting up immunity
➡️ Boosting mood and cognitive functions

Uniqueness of SeedGard:
➡️ Combination of 6 probiotic strains and 3 additional nutrients to support overall health
➡️ FloraFIT® probiotics are certified as Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) by FDA
➡️ Promote synbiotic effect with the adding of prebiotics (FOS and GOS) to maintain the viability of probiotics
➡️ All strains are able to resist and survive under strong stomach acid and bile 
➡️ The effectiveness of the strains are supported and well-tested by various scientific studies
➡️ Patented stabilisation technoloogy and freeze-drying technique ensure the viability and stability of the probiotics
➡️ Hypoallergenic raw materials ensure it does not contain any allergen such as gluten and soy
➡️ Certified Halal 

Contact us

Tel: 03-7660 7536





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