2 Pur C Mixed Fruits Chewable Tablet Monthly Plan
Plan Description
Pur C, the natural source of Vitamin C in the market. 100% comes from natural fruits sources, with 18 types of high Vitamin C content fruits were included
Pur C,市场上天然维生素C的来源。100%来自天然水果,其中包括18种高维生素C含量的水果
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Balance Life
Balance Life Sdn Bhd
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Features & Benefits:
In Pur C, 18 types of high Vitamin C content fruits were specially mixed to form a chewable tablet that is suitable to be taken by all walks of life. The fruits are not only high in Vitamin C content, they are all good sources of antioxidants, which helps in free radicals scavenging.
Pur C专门混合了18种高维生素C含量的水果,制成了适合各行各业的咀嚼片。 水果不仅维生素C含量高,而且都是抗氧化物质的良好来源,有助于清除自由基。
Benefits of Pur C
➡️ Powerful antioxidants help in fight against free radicals
➡️ Boost up immunity and helps in prevent common cold symptoms
➡️ Better skin appearance as vitamin C helps in stimulates the production of collagen
➡️ Helps in wound healing (collagen formation)
➡️ Vitamin C aids iron absorption in the body, the nonheme iron and vitamin C combination makes it more easily to be absorbed in the body
➡️ Prevent scurvy
➡️ 100% from natural fruit ingredients
➡️ Less processed, more wholesome and readily absorbed than other synthetic isolate vitamin C supplements
➡️ Consists of organic nutrient (vitamin), and also phytonutrients, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, trace element activators & cofactors
➡️ Provides 90mg (129%) of the RNI for vitamin C (based on 19 – 65 years old)
➡️ Higher absorption and bioavailability
➡️ Free of preservative, artificial colour, flavour and sweetener
➡️ No adverse side effects
➡️ Certified Halal
Contact us
Tel: 03-7660 7536
Email: inquiry@balancelife.com.my
Website: http://www.balancelife.com.my/contact.html